
‘De Biesbosch’ is a wet environment in the Netherlands. It is enclosed by two rivers and floods now and then when water is high. Beavers live here, as do a lot of birds and wildlife.

Today I went for a short walk with my kids. Testing a new app to geotag pictures, but on the start I found out that my battery pack was empty. Pictures shown here are made using my mobile phone, still nice pictures though.

The app also creates a GPS route, this is the first post using a GPS route created by myself (previous ones are downloaded from the internet). As you can see, I missed the first part of the route.

We did see nice thing (see the pictures). Ice on the water, sometimes broken up by the waves, sometimes still in one piece. Trees with their feet in the water and of course the birds and wide views.


Biesbosch3 Biesbosch3
Biesbosch2 Biesbosch2
Biesbosch1 Biesbosch1


Total distance: 1567 m